Raging Rhino Podcast

Raging Rhino Podcast

Burly. Surly. Thick-skinned.

It’s Christmas for Obama!!!!

It’s Christmas for Obama!!!!

I will be honest.  I only got about 2 hours of sleep last night.  I’m feeling more than a little punchy.  I promise this will be a rare presentation of my singing abilities.  But, hey, sing along with me…

Ya better not smoke
Ya better not fry
Ya better not eat any more of that pie
Obamacare is coming to town

He’s got his control
And only wants more
He’ll tax us all until we are poor
Obamacare has broken us down

He’ll know if you eat Twinkies
Or doughnuts on your break
The regulation is all his
So conform for your own sake

Oh Pelosi & Reed
Are givin’ high fives
We no longer have control of our lives
Obamacare is comin’
Soon we’ll all be slummin’
Obamacare is comin’ to town