Raging Rhino Podcast

Raging Rhino Podcast

Burly. Surly. Thick-skinned.

Raging Rhino #4 – Immigration

Raging Rhino #4 – Immigration

After the weekend’s bastardized May Day celebrations (turning a nice Celtic holiday into a hate rally for fascist propaganda – way to go, civilization!) a little discussion about those who truly exploit workers, specifically workers who are in the United States illegally.  If you don’t understand the difference between an illegal alien and a legal immigrant, then you need to come back later when you have a brain.

This episode opens with a discussion of the plight of illegal immigrants and the eerie similarity to another group of people from America’s past.  We’ve always been told that illegal immigrants do jobs Americans won’t do, I explain why this is true (hint – it’s not at all for the reasons the elitists claim).  Then, the consequences of illegal actions juxtaposed with the legal responsibilities in America and elsewhere.  Next, a brief but powerful story about a man who you will always want to remember.  Then, one man’s off-the-cuff idea on how to solve the illegal immigration enigma followed by a personal vignette of how Americans really treat immigrants.  Finally, a look at the real fears of the real racists.

Links of note:
Dirty Jobs
Robert Lugo
US Naturalization Laws
US Naturalization Sample Test
Threats of shovels and axes
NYT Op-Ed on AZ Law