Raging Rhino Podcast

Raging Rhino Podcast

Burly. Surly. Thick-skinned.

Month: June 2010

“No one will know until this is actually in place how it works.”   Are you fucking kidding me?  This and another piece of b.s. from our government over the weekend.

nn“No one will know until this is actually in place how it works.”   Are you fucking kidding me?  This and another piece of b.s. from our government over the weekend.

Rapid fire session!  For those who need it spelled out, short commentary on various news items.   In this podcast: 1) Correction from the previous podcast 2) Elton John sings at Rush Limbaugh’s wedding 3) Helen Thomas “retires” 4) 3rd grader in detention for possessing a Jolly Rancher 5) World Cup 6) Ashton Kutcher mocks…

nnRapid fire session!  For those who need it spelled out, short commentary on various news items.  nnIn this podcast:nn1) Correction from the previous podcast n2) Elton John sings at Rush Limbaugh’s wedding n3) Helen Thomas “retires” n4) 3rd grader in detention for possessing a Jolly Rancher n5) World Cupn6) Ashton Kutcher mocks “Drill Baby Drill”…

The opening quote of the podcast from Eugene Mirman sets the tone. A brief little examination of the entertainment industry and their attempts to influence our lives.  First a look at the rogues gallery of blatant duplicity.  Then, how one stressed word can make my blood boil.  Next, a discussion on a brilliant essay describing…

nnThe opening quote of the podcast from Eugene Mirman sets the tone.nnA brief little examination of the entertainment industry and their attempts to influence our lives.  First a look at the rogues gallery of blatant duplicity.  Then, how one stressed word can make my blood boil.  Next, a discussion on a brilliant essay describing entertainers…