Raging Rhino Podcast

Raging Rhino Podcast

Burly. Surly. Thick-skinned.

Year: 2011

On the other side of the world, we’ve finally taken out the America-hating fascist who wanted to destroy our liberty & freedom and replace them with his own ideology.  Hey, that’s great.  Now, howsabout we start ousting the America-hating fascists who want to destroy our liberty & freedom and replace them with their own ideology…

On the other side of the world, we’ve finally taken out the America-hating fascist who wanted to destroy our liberty & freedom and replace them with his own ideology.  Hey, that’s great.  Now, howsabout we start ousting the America-hating fascists who want to destroy our liberty & freedom and replace them with their own ideology…

 com-pro-mise        [kom-pruh-mahyz]  noun, verb, -mised, -mising    noun  1. a settlement of differences by mutual concessions; an agreement reached by adjustment of conflicting or opposing claims, principles, etc., by reciprocal modification of demands.  2. the result of such a settlement.We compromise every day, but where does it end?  At what point do we look…

 com-pro-mise        [kom-pruh-mahyz]  noun, verb, -mised, -mising    noun  1. a settlement of differences by mutual concessions; an agreement reached by adjustment of conflicting or opposing claims, principles, etc., by reciprocal modification of demands.  2. the result of such a settlement.We compromise every day, but where does it end?  At what point do we look…

It is the long-standing symbol for collectivists in general and the communists and socialists in specific.  In this podcast, I explain why that symbol fits them perfectly.

It is the long-standing symbol for collectivists in general and the communists and socialists in specific.  In this podcast, I explain why that symbol fits them perfectly.

Unrest in the nation.  Unrest across the globe.  The times they are a changin’… but to what?  Politicians regularly promise change and options of new paths, but is it really change?  Are we really going on a new path?  This podcast looks at the pseudo changes that are often offered and then boils it down…

Unrest in the nation.  Unrest across the globe.  The times they are a changin’… but to what?  Politicians regularly promise change and options of new paths, but is it really change?  Are we really going on a new path?  This podcast looks at the pseudo changes that are often offered and then boils it down…

The last of the trilogy on religion, this is my commentary on random myths I’ve run across over my years in Christianity from being “our brother’s keeper” to how Christ reacted to the loss of followers.  It’s not what you’ve been told to believe.

The last of the trilogy on religion, this is my commentary on random myths I’ve run across over my years in Christianity from being “our brother’s keeper” to how Christ reacted to the loss of followers.  It’s not what you’ve been told to believe.