Raging Rhino Podcast

Raging Rhino Podcast

Burly. Surly. Thick-skinned.

Category : Podcasts (Explicit Language)

I just didn’t feel like last month’s podcast drove home the point enough.  I didn’t intend for this month’s podcast to be a follow-up to the last, but here it is.  History will decide if this sequel is more “The Dark Knight” or more “The Return of the Swamp Thing.”

One of the most carelessly used words in politics today is fascist. What does it mean to be fascist & what do you have to do to be considered one?  Then, I break down the definition of the word to gauge how close America is to matching it. Then, I consider a fraction of the…

Odds & ends from the past several months of ideas & news items that  didn’t make it into previous podcasts.

 com-pro-mise        [kom-pruh-mahyz]  noun, verb, -mised, -mising    noun  1. a settlement of differences by mutual concessions; an agreement reached by adjustment of conflicting or opposing claims, principles, etc., by reciprocal modification of demands.  2. the result of such a settlement.We compromise every day, but where does it end?  At what point do we look…

It is the long-standing symbol for collectivists in general and the communists and socialists in specific.  In this podcast, I explain why that symbol fits them perfectly.

Unrest in the nation.  Unrest across the globe.  The times they are a changin’… but to what?  Politicians regularly promise change and options of new paths, but is it really change?  Are we really going on a new path?  This podcast looks at the pseudo changes that are often offered and then boils it down…

The last of the trilogy on religion, this is my commentary on random myths I’ve run across over my years in Christianity from being “our brother’s keeper” to how Christ reacted to the loss of followers.  It’s not what you’ve been told to believe.

Since the previous podcast took on the people inside religion, it’s only fair to talk a bit about the people outside.  I may have 30+ years inside the religion, but I’ve also had to hear it from the other side.  Maybe God doesn’t exist.  Maybe he does exist.  Maybe he is more than we give…

Is it fair to allow criminals to profit from their crimes? What about their family members?

This month begins a trilogy on religion, specifically Christianity.  I left Christianity after being in it for over 30 years.  This podcast deals with some of the personal experiences I had with corruption from various so-called leaders.  I give my opinion on what’s wrong with Christianity and who is going to clean it up.

The rhetoric of threatened violence is coming out more and more; this is a react to two recent news items.  Listen with both ears.

nnIs collectivism (a.k.a. progressivism) really progress?  In this podcast, I make the case that individualism is the true progression of humanity.

nnI am not completely entrenched in Ayn Rand’s Objectivist philosophy, but I am a proud admirer.  The opening quote is the inspiration for this podcast and other quotes from her are peppered throughout (with a pinch of Ralph Waldo Emerson and Alan Moore as well).nnThe current administration has made no secret of their plans to…

This podcast is republished with corrected hyperlinks to the news stories below. Last month independence was the theme, this month it is the opposite.  Americans are in a bad situation, but maybe we’re in so deep some of us can’t see how bad it really is.  First, a look at the charity of those who…

nnDare to dream?  Think you’re still in a place where you can make your dreams come true?

nnWill the wealth of these people be redistributed?nn$2,000,000 wedding  Update: guess they were off on their estimate nThe dog got his own plane for the vacation nDominican Republic villa nHousing their Connecticut boat in Rhode IslandnAvoiding social security taxes nThe perks of a private jetn$1,000,000 for unowned land 

nnHappy 4th of July!nnFeeling independent?nn“[The Constitution] doesn’t say what the federal government or state government must do on your behalf.”  True or False?nnIt’s not often a lowly little nobody like me gets to prove a professor of Constitutional law wrong, but I will in this podcast.nnThen, we’ll look at the first ten of our “negative…

nn“No one will know until this is actually in place how it works.”   Are you fucking kidding me?  This and another piece of b.s. from our government over the weekend.

nnRapid fire session!  For those who need it spelled out, short commentary on various news items.  nnIn this podcast:nn1) Correction from the previous podcast n2) Elton John sings at Rush Limbaugh’s wedding n3) Helen Thomas “retires” n4) 3rd grader in detention for possessing a Jolly Rancher n5) World Cupn6) Ashton Kutcher mocks “Drill Baby Drill”…

nnThe opening quote of the podcast from Eugene Mirman sets the tone.nnA brief little examination of the entertainment industry and their attempts to influence our lives.  First a look at the rogues gallery of blatant duplicity.  Then, how one stressed word can make my blood boil.  Next, a discussion on a brilliant essay describing entertainers…