Raging Rhino Podcast

Raging Rhino Podcast

Burly. Surly. Thick-skinned.

Category : Podcasts (Explicit Language)

Spoiler filled podcast for The Suicide Squad. 97.8% politics free (c’mon, you can put up with it for 42 seconds)!

Spoiler filled podcast for The Suicide Squad.nn97.8% politics free (c’mon, you can put up with it for 42 seconds)!nn

A little bit about a lot of things on my mind the last couple of months.

A little bit about a lot of things on my mind the last couple of months.nn

99.9% politics free! Gina & I have traveled to 37 states & 6 countries in the past 20 years. What were our best vacation days? Where would you have to pay me to return? Where can I get a good burger? Fried chicken? Pie? Bacon? What are our rules for eating on vacation? Where is…

99.9% politics free! Gina & I have traveled to 37 states & 6 countries in the past 20 years. What were our best vacation days? Where would you have to pay me to return? Where can I get a good burger? Fried chicken? Pie? Bacon? What are our rules for eating on vacation? Where is…

I put on my contrarian hat for a somewhat tongue-in-cheek response to Earth Day. Oh, and I get briefly sidetracked.

I put on my contrarian hat for a somewhat tongue-in-cheek response to Earth Day. Oh, and I get briefly sidetracked.nn

Sure, I’ll tell you what I like and didn’t like about the Snyder Cut and how it is vastly superior to the theatrical release, but also why my 40+ years of reading DC Comics makes it easier to accept multiple versions of the same story. 100% Politics Free!

Sure, I’ll tell you what I like and didn’t like about the Snyder Cut and how it is vastly superior to the theatrical release, but also why my 40+ years of reading DC Comics makes it easier to accept multiple versions of the same story.nn100% Politics Free!nn

After my two-month hiatus, I started working on new material on March 1 and realize there is enough for two podcasts. The next day, I had enough material for a third with Texas Governor Greg Abbott announcing the end to the mask mandate.

After my two-month hiatus, I started working on new material on March 1 and realize there is enough for two podcasts. The next day, I had enough material for a third with Texas Governor Greg Abbott announcing the end to the mask mandate.nn

After my last podcast on January 1, I took a two month hiatus because “what could possibly happen?” This podcast focuses on what happened in February: living through Texas’ SNOVID-21 and the passing of Rush Limbaugh.

After my last podcast on January 1, I took a two month hiatus because “what could possibly happen?” This podcast focuses on what happened in February: living through Texas’ SNOVID-21 and the passing of Rush Limbaugh.nn

After my last podcast on January 1, I took a two month hiatus because “what could possibly happen?” This podcast focuses on what happened in January while I was away: the Capitol Riot and the beginning of the Biden regime.

After my last podcast on January 1, I took a two month hiatus because “what could possibly happen?” This podcast focuses on what happened in January while I was away: the Capitol Riot and the beginning of the Biden regime.nn

Wonder Woman 1984 debuted on Christmas Day; here’s what I think about it. SPOILER FILLED.

Wonder Woman 1984 debuted on Christmas Day; here’s what I think about it.nnSPOILER FILLED.nn

This podcast is about Wonder Woman, my favorite character of DC’s Trinity. Why do I prefer her to Superman or Batman? What aspects of the character’s mythos do modern comic book writers blatantly ignore?nnAnd then there’s something about a new movie…nn

In this podcast I talk about plans for an upcoming two-month hiatus and “congratulate” the political parties and their voters for all they’ve done this year. How do televangelists and zombies fit in to it? You’ll have to listen to find out.