The Neo-Conservative Religious Collective and their crusade against homosexuality – just because I can’t escape a month’s worth of news about it.nnnn nn nn
The Neo-Conservative Religious Collective and their crusade against homosexuality – just because I can’t escape a month’s worth of news about it.nnnn nn nn
Musings and ramblings following last postcast including highly recommended donuts and a particularly annoying TSA agent.nnnn
This was recorded off my iPhone on the Outer Banks on October 16. Less than 24 hours later, part of it was made outdated. The points are still important, though.nn
War in general & Syria in specific – what we’ve been doing as a nation and what we ought to be doing. Special thanks to the gracious and talented Aimee Allen for asking me a simple question that inspired me to get my jumbled thoughts together.nnnn
I’m taking a break from the LP Platform series to ramble for a bit, just talking and seeing where my thoughts take me. Enjoy my stream of consciousness. Will I go back to the platform series next month? I’ll let you know when I get there.
I’m taking a break from the LP Platform series to ramble for a bit, just talking and seeing where my thoughts take me. Enjoy my stream of consciousness. Will I go back to the platform series next month? I’ll let you know when I get there.nn
Part 3 of the exploration of the Libertarian Party Platform with the help of Gina.nnnn
Continuing the exploration of the Libertarian Party Platform with the help of Gina.nnnn
The fourth year of this podcast begins with a response to Ann Coulter’s comments about Libertarians from a recent episode of Stossel with a brief tangent on the recent gay marriage SCOTUS hearings and an update to Podcast #4 on immigration.nn
How does this nation respond to tragedy? Not a good recent track record.nnThis podcast I flirt with a conspiracy theory not because I actually believe it but because distrust of the government is a good thing.nnnn nn
From cliffs that are fiscal to birds that are bignThe truth as to why our nation’s grave we will dig.nn
At the end of Podcast #33, I said I would offer a solution. Here it is. This is a sequel, so it is better if you heard the previous podcast first. Also, a special rant beginning at the 29:20 mark.
How can a would-be hot dog vendor expose the failures of government and corporatism? You gotta hear this story.
The times they are a changin’… or are they? Not with the collectivists. Also: Hello Anonymous. It’s me, Rhino.
Friends, family, peers & pundits have told me the only choices for POTUS come from either the Republican or Democrat party; if I vote for the Libertarian candidate, I’m just wasting my vote. Allow me to retort.
Ever listened to a debate & thought you could give better answers? Me too. So I did.
The question is not which politician is giving us a load of B.S.; it is how each one will try to spin their load of B.S. Once you get past the spin and bias and prejudice, the arguments become simple and clear.
What does same-sex marriage have to do with taxing the rich? Why is federalism a cop out? What is the best use of a two-faced politician? What happens when you tug the loose thread?