Raging Rhino Podcast

Raging Rhino Podcast

Burly. Surly. Thick-skinned.

My Blog

Continuing the exploration of the Libertarian Party Platform with the help of Gina.nnnn 

Bringing back Gina with commentary on the Libertarian Party Platform.nnnn nn 

The fourth year of this podcast begins with a response to Ann Coulter’s comments about Libertarians from a recent episode of Stossel with a brief tangent on the recent gay marriage SCOTUS hearings and an update to Podcast #4 on immigration.nn

How does this nation respond to tragedy?  Not a good recent track record.nnThis podcast I flirt with a conspiracy theory not because I actually believe it but because distrust of the government is a good thing.nnnn nn 

Yes, “secess” is a word.  Look it up.nn

From cliffs that are fiscal to birds that are bignThe truth as to why our nation’s grave we will dig.nn

At the end of Podcast #33, I said I would offer a solution.  Here it is.  This is a sequel, so it is better if you heard the previous podcast first. Also, a special rant beginning at the 29:20 mark.

How can a would-be hot dog vendor expose the failures of government and corporatism?  You gotta hear this story.

The times they are a changin’… or are they?  Not with the collectivists.  Also: Hello Anonymous. It’s me, Rhino.

Friends, family, peers & pundits have told me the only choices for POTUS come from either the Republican or Democrat party; if I vote for the Libertarian candidate, I’m just wasting my vote.  Allow me to retort.

Ever listened to a debate & thought you could give better answers? Me too. So I did.

The question is not which politician is giving us a load of B.S.; it is how each one will try to spin their load of B.S.  Once you get past the spin and bias and prejudice, the arguments become simple and clear.

What does same-sex marriage have to do with taxing the rich?  Why is federalism a cop out?  What is the best use of a two-faced politician?  What happens when you tug the loose thread?

We are often told we have to settle for less these days.  We delay our hopes and dreams in order to deal with the red tape of wasteful bureaucracy.  isn’t it time to expect better?

Surprisingly, this is only the first time that something Vice President Biden said triggered an entire podcast.

“Passionate, bold, outspoken, fearless… these are all well deserved descriptions people have used in his memory today.  For me, you can add: inspirational.”

The bulk of this podcast was originally written a year-and-a-half ago.  I don’t remember why, but it just didn’t seem right & I scrapped it for a different topic.  It’s been sitting in my files waiting for the right time.  That time is now. And here… we… go!

A tangent thought I had while recording the previous podcast is the setup for this one and it naturally flowed into my promised thoughts on why I won’t vote for 75% of the remaining Republican nominees.  Though not quite as upset as I was for podcast #23, some anger lingers. I gotta quit recording these…

I just want to tear my hair out.  I’m sick of politicians intentionally misleading people and the people who blindly allow themselves to be misled.  I’m sick of the compromise of one’s beliefs for the sake of an election victory.  I’m mad as hell, and I’m not going to take it anymore.

These days, the most surprising thing about A Charlie Brown Christmas is the inclusion of scripture from the book of Luke.  The story famously goes that, when confronted, Charles Schulz said, “if we don’t do it, who will?”  It is quite true that such a thing would never fly on network television today; it barely…