Raging Rhino Podcast

Raging Rhino Podcast

Burly. Surly. Thick-skinned.

My Blog

We are often told we have to settle for less these days.  We delay our hopes and dreams in order to deal with the red tape of wasteful bureaucracy.  isn’t it time to expect better?

Surprisingly, this is only the first time that something Vice President Biden said triggered an entire podcast.

“Passionate, bold, outspoken, fearless… these are all well deserved descriptions people have used in his memory today.  For me, you can add: inspirational.”

The bulk of this podcast was originally written a year-and-a-half ago.  I don’t remember why, but it just didn’t seem right & I scrapped it for a different topic.  It’s been sitting in my files waiting for the right time.  That time is now. And here… we… go!

A tangent thought I had while recording the previous podcast is the setup for this one and it naturally flowed into my promised thoughts on why I won’t vote for 75% of the remaining Republican nominees.  Though not quite as upset as I was for podcast #23, some anger lingers. I gotta quit recording these…

I just want to tear my hair out.  I’m sick of politicians intentionally misleading people and the people who blindly allow themselves to be misled.  I’m sick of the compromise of one’s beliefs for the sake of an election victory.  I’m mad as hell, and I’m not going to take it anymore.

These days, the most surprising thing about A Charlie Brown Christmas is the inclusion of scripture from the book of Luke.  The story famously goes that, when confronted, Charles Schulz said, “if we don’t do it, who will?”  It is quite true that such a thing would never fly on network television today; it barely…

I think, therefore I will not vote for Obama – an expansive, but by no means comprehensive look at reasons I will not vote for Obama in 2012. 

“R” stands for Republican, “D” stands for Democrat, and “I” stands for Independent, right?  Yes, but I can think of more appropriate words.

One of my favorite topics but also one I avoid because it causes a lot of people to be uncomfortable: sex.  This is a frank and explicit talk about my sexuality and my perspective from having been in both the religious right and alternative lifestyle communities.  Anyone who finds such things objectionable should not listen…

What does it take to produce real wealth and financial security?  Can the government really control and manipulate the system in order to allow everyone to achieve that wealth and security?  What about the private sector that everyone touts; are they really able in their current state to produce the jobs that are so desperately…

What does it take to produce real wealth and financial security?  Can the government really control and manipulate the system in order to allow everyone to achieve that wealth and security?  What about the private sector that everyone touts; are they really able in their current state to produce the jobs that are so desperately…

I just didn’t feel like last month’s podcast drove home the point enough.  I didn’t intend for this month’s podcast to be a follow-up to the last, but here it is.  History will decide if this sequel is more “The Dark Knight” or more “The Return of the Swamp Thing.”

One of the most carelessly used words in politics today is fascist. What does it mean to be fascist & what do you have to do to be considered one?  Then, I break down the definition of the word to gauge how close America is to matching it. Then, I consider a fraction of the…

To all the men and women of the American military who have sacrificed their lives,and to all of their families who have endured the grief of the loss of such a noble spirit… …thank you.

Odds & ends from the past several months of ideas & news items that  didn’t make it into previous podcasts.

On the other side of the world, we’ve finally taken out the America-hating fascist who wanted to destroy our liberty & freedom and replace them with his own ideology.  Hey, that’s great.  Now, howsabout we start ousting the America-hating fascists who want to destroy our liberty & freedom and replace them with their own ideology…

 com-pro-mise        [kom-pruh-mahyz]  noun, verb, -mised, -mising    noun  1. a settlement of differences by mutual concessions; an agreement reached by adjustment of conflicting or opposing claims, principles, etc., by reciprocal modification of demands.  2. the result of such a settlement.We compromise every day, but where does it end?  At what point do we look…

It is the long-standing symbol for collectivists in general and the communists and socialists in specific.  In this podcast, I explain why that symbol fits them perfectly.

Unrest in the nation.  Unrest across the globe.  The times they are a changin’… but to what?  Politicians regularly promise change and options of new paths, but is it really change?  Are we really going on a new path?  This podcast looks at the pseudo changes that are often offered and then boils it down…