Raging Rhino Podcast

Raging Rhino Podcast

Burly. Surly. Thick-skinned.

Tag Archives : Choice

A tax cut is good, but what we really need is tax demolition.

An unwanted topic for this month due to the events and reactions of early October.

The past few months I’ve been talking about the dangers of the encroaching collectivist factions on our lives. Here is a microcosm of one in action.

This was not an easy one; the research made me ill.  A cringe-inducing in-depth look at the Nazi Party platform of World War II.  See how nefarious they really are from an angle most people do not see.

How the collectivists worm their way into our lives.

The first 20:45 of this episode is about my history with the great DC Comics character and a review of the Wonder Woman movie.  The remaining time is a political discussion about topics in the periphery of the movie.

What started as a memory in honor of the loss of Chris Cornell turned into a monologue on my generation and the generations before and after.  I am angry.  I am sad.  I am getting some frustration off my chest. Catharsis.

With all the political preening, posturing, and protesting, I can guarantee on thing: I don’t trust any of it.

Post mortem on the 2016 presidential election

How a very unpleasant recent experience made me take a slightly different look at the 2016 elections. This is one I would like you to listen to and share before Election Day if possible.

Quarterbacks.  Anthems.  Controversies.

In the aftermath of the Pulse nightclub tragedy in Orlando, a monologue about LGBT liberties, religious freedom, and gun rights.

This podcast is all about how government has affected a product I hate.

Two big political parties, too controlling.

A small protest, a large protest, and a critique of the first two Hangover movies. Wait… what?!?

I wanted this to be a light-hearted, fun, irreverent podcast about sexuality, but something happened along the way…

What Ariana Grande said, what people reacted to, and what they should have reacted to. (explicit)

Commentary on the Supreme Court ruling on gay marriage and the reactions on both sides.  

A mixture of unrelated topics.  Just wanted to get them out of the way.